Rain - but not at my house - how to tell the system?

I would go higher. Maybe 1/2 or 3/4 inch should help.

As I stated above, my threshold is set to 0.5 inches and I still have issues. Maybe you’ll have better luck with it.

@franz, please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that rain threshold has absolutely no effect on Flex Daily - because it is simply used as input to the balance sheet. The prediction is factored in for the current day making the end balance over 10%, inhibiting any watering.

I also don’t think disabling forecast is a way to go as sometimes the forecast is true. Ish. Perhaps consider the precipitation chance percent (for example, multiply the chance by the forecasted amount) or make the forecast progressively carry less weight as the number of no watering days grows. An on/off switch is not the solution, we want forecast to be used, it’s what makes this smart. (note I did not add the -ish here :smiling_imp:)



Some of us are currently not caring whether the forecast becomes true. 80+% it doesn’t in our situations. I’m ok just looking at actual received precipitation. If we do get the predicted amount, then I watered unnecessarily but when we don’t get it my yard won’t die. And if we get precipitation above our threshold, watering doesn’t occur and we save some water.

Not asking for it to be the norm. There should be 2 options.

  1. Actual precipitation only
  2. Precipitation + forecast (like now)

I just want that cherry on top, man :face_with_hand_over_mouth::heart:

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Correct, that is only used for weather intelligence rain skips.

We are looking into allowing for more options for customers to choose from.

We already apply weighting to chance and amount, but all forecasting is an imperfect science :smile:



I agree forecasting has issues when it doesn’t happen. But for me I only care about this when the lawn was last watered 2+ days ago especially when we’re getting 92degree + weather on cool season grass.

There was a thread about the hurricane coming through and prior to that irrigation when on. I agree I wouldn’t want to water if a storm like that is going to come through, dumping 1.5” of water. Let’s not forget the reason we have Rachio is to also save as much water as we can, but not to the point the grass overly stresses.

I like the forecasting idea, I see how it has its issues, but it’s really only an issue if that last time the lawn got watered was 2 or more days ago and we’re in summer. This is just my observations on how my specific setup has been.

Same issue with very local weather and I think making adjustments per a forecast is, well, optimistic. After struggling with it for a season I abandoned the smart stuff. MUCH happier with fixed or monthly adjust scheduling though late in the season I go to fixed as we can get snow in September or heat into October.

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we do not ALL want the forecast to be used, because for situations like mine it is rarely accurate. Having an on/off switch is a very nice option. I can have more or less smarts based on what works for my property.


Had this happen a few times myself the past two months while going through a heatwave with 90F+ temps with heat indexes over 110F in zone 7B on Flex Daily.

How about adding to the list of requests here that the water journal be able to go negative and not stop at 0.00" precipitation?

How about a simple connected rain gauge? If we get rain, then we get a skip. The forecast feature is not working for me in Central Florida.

I think that already exists if you have your own PWS, or are connected to a single one close by. Also, if you have a direct rain sensor attached it will turn off your system if it starts raining while you are watering.

The engineering team has built functionality to allow the weather intelligence precip skips to use observed + forecast precipitation data, or completely ignore forecasted data, and just use precip observations.

It won’t be ready in mobile (toggling the flag) for awhile, but I can post something here for people that are comfortable running cURL commands until the capability is ready in mobile.



Thank you for your response.

I just bought a wired rain sensor, and it will not only shut off the system when it rains, it will not allow scheduled runs while the sensor is wet. That solves some problems related to too much water.

There is still a problem of the weather forecasts shutting down the system and then no rain. This is very common and harms my Florida grass more than overwatering. Maybe it is best to just shut off the forecasting influence and let the scheduler run - which will happen unless it is too wet.

Jim White

From what I understand and could be wrong, the problem with rain sensors is that they sense if it rained and not how much. This probably is not an issue in FL most of the time depending on which part you are in. If it briefly sprinkles which cuts off the watering, it could do just as much damage as no rain.


Those rain sensors rely on a disk inside that expands when wet and shrinks when dry. They last about 12 - 18 months in Florida and will need to be replaced somewhat regularly.

A weather station in your yard connected to Weather Underground (and your Rachio pointed to that) is a better indication of rain received. You don’t necessarily want the rain sensor to stop irrigation unless you get a minimum of X amount of rain.

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Any update on the toggle to just look at observed precipitation?

Seems like there must have been a recent app update since Quick Run default is now 10 minutes instead of 3.