Rain, 110% moisture, and Flex Daily wants to keep watering?

It looks like you had some days with rain and little evaporation, gonna be decent evaporation today, and hot tomorrow with a .24 evap. I can’t see the 28th, but I would imagine it would fire off the 27th if there isn’t more rain coming 27th or 28th forecasted.

I see you’re using WI PLUS or were. I haven’t heard good results about that setting reading around here. I would suggest looking up on weatherunderground station map to see if there is one closer to your actual controller location that gets reliable precipitation and temp updates. I’m very fortunate to be close to one. I checked by putting a tuna can out and measuring some rain events and it was close enough for me to be comfortable with.

I suggest taking a look at this article that explains the two different percentages one being the moisture level and the other being allowed depletion which gets confused. What are moisture levels? (Flexible Daily Schedules)

It clicked for another use in a different thread a few days ago if you check the end of this one some good info: First day - #22 by ady624