Rachio + Tempest Integration (with existing Tempest station)

I already have a tempest. What code do I use?

If you didn’t buy through Rachio, I don’t think you can get a code to pair them…I know @drew_thayer made a mention that they might find a way to offer something in the future…

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Right. Agree. The only alternative I know of is to get personal weather from a free cloud weather server after posting to it from the home weather station.

You have got to be kidding me. I went and bought a Tempest weather station with the understanding it could be connected to Racchio but now I can only do so if I buy the Tempest from Racchio.

What marketing genius decided this?

This needs to be reversed immediately. This is no way to build an ecosystem around your product.

It is ridiculous that the app said that it could be integrated and now I’m hearing that I have to pay extra for the integration.

Terrible, terrible business acumen.

I feel like Rachio spelled it out pretty clearly on their website…If you purchased through Rachio, there would be no fee as a code is sent. Months ago there was talk of offering codes to those who bought Tempest prior to integration, but I have no idea where that went…

Weather data from your own backyard makes Rachio even better

You can now see Tempest data in the Rachio app and use your Tempest as the weather source for your smart sprinkler controller. Special early access to this new integration (a $50 MSRP) is only available for those who purchase a Tempest on rachio.com.

How does it work? After you purchase your new weather station, we’ll send you an integration code for you to use in your Rachio app. After that, you simply need to set your Tempest as a weather source and you’re good to go.

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I submitted an online request via “https://help.weatherflow.com/hc/en-us/requests/new” to Tempest as suggested on the WeatherFlow website and within a couple of days I received an integration code that allowed my existing Tempest to communicate directly to my new Rachio 3. No costs at all. I purchased my Tempest about 3 years ago directly from WeatherFlow and my Rachio 3 a few weeks ago directly from Rachio.

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Did any of you guys get the integration of Tempest with Rachio to work properly? My Rachio iOS app shows that my Tempest is integrated and is being used for hyper-local data. I can see Tempest weather data inside my Rachio app. But, whenever there is a Rain Skip, the Rachio app decides to pick a nearby WUnderground station (not even a Tempest hardware) as the source for rain data. The little notification that explains the reason for the Rain Skip shows the ID for that WUnderground station.
What is the point of integration if Rachio just picks another station on its own?

Hi there!

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is not expected behavior as your Rain Skips should show your Tempest weather system as the source of the skip. Could you DM me the serial number of your controller so I can review this with our Engineering team. Thanks!

We’ve had a lot of rain here in Northern California recently so I was able to check this during a rain skip. Mine is working, and it’s choosing my Tempest as expected.

This is interesting. Does the Rachio app mention the correct name of your Tempest station in the Rain Skip notification where it says “XYZ schedule was skipped due to which observed 0.88 inches …”?

My app mentions a nearby WUnderground station name, but takes the observed inches of rain from my Tempest station.

Mine did, yes. My station is named the same as my street, and it showed it correctly. It also noted the correct amount of rain as well. The integration shows up in the app, and I have my WU account reading from my station as well as a WeeWX install.

So what exactly do i get for 30 bucks? Ive owned a tempest for a long while and already use it with weather underground. What would i be gaining with direct integration?

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