Rachio rarely runs

Since I installed my Rachio 3 Oct 30, it has only run 3 times - Oct 30, Oct 31, and Nov 16. I’m in south Texas, so until mid November the weather has been hot or warm, over 90 degrees some days in October. There was no rain from installation until October 17, three weeks into having the Rachio controller.

Some details about my setup. We have a xeriscape yard. No grass. Plants like lantana, oleander, sage bushes, etc. The irrigation system is buried drip, no sprinklers. The Rachio schedule type is Monthly Flex.

Does this amount of watering sound right? My landscaping guy originally set up my system to water three times per week, so just three times in 9 weeks seems too little…

Seems common; I switched from nightly short cycles to weekly longer ones. I’ve noticed no difference in my plants, and an overall reduction of my water bill by about 15%.

Occasionally, I’ll do an unscheduled Quick run after a particularly warm and dry day.

That seems correct or even too often. By definition xeriscape shouldn’t be watered at all or just during high/extreme drought conditions. I am from the Houston area and my zones for shrubs is only going about 1.5x per month during that period.