Rachio Flex schedule watering the next day?

I’m trying to establish my Flex schedule with 3 zones on my lawn. I noticed it just starting to have some local dry spots yesterday, so I emptied the zone’s water level. It watered last night, but now it wants to water just 1 of the 3 tomorrow as well. They have the same setup (as far as I can tell), I’m not sure why this is? They’re all at 78% water level, 50% is the allowed depletion. What’s triggering it to water again just the next day? I’ve tweaked a lot of the advanced settings to get it to water how I’ve been watering recently (approx every 4-5 days).

Do you have watering restrictions set up (days the system can’t water)? Are you sure that ALL zone settings are the same?

Ah, I found the square footage was off in the Advanced Settings for that one zone (by 200 ft)… Do you know how this plays into the calculation of when to water? I guess I was thinking this one would only affect the water usage gallons estimate…

The area does nothing for scheduling. That is only used to calculate water usage/savings.

What is the root depth setting? A shallow root depth waters frequently shallow, short waterings.

Increase the root depth to the maximum the plants can tolerate. You will have to do this gradually if the plants is not used to deep and infrequent watering.

I keep my cool season Rachio lawn root depth at 6.5” for example.

My mixed tree and shrub zones are at a 18” root depth.

You also should allow the flex daily to water any day of the week. Otherwise, it will top off the watering right before several days it can’t water for example.