@jeremysm1 -
Welcome to the team! I’m sure some of our Arizona members will chime in- they are some of the best on here
Here are some of my favorite AZ threads… most of them are flex schedule focused, not sure if that’s what you are wanting to use!
Hi - I live in Phoenix, where we have been experiencing 110+ degF days for over a month now.
I installed new Rachio system about 2 months ago, and I have been running the Flex schedule with Smart Cycle.
Almost everything in my yard is stressed out, and my Bermuda grass is effectively dead.
I have emitters for plants and trees, and in-ground sprinklers for my grass. My plants & tress are set up for Clay Loam soil, and my grass is Sandy Loam. I left everything else on defaults.
Apparently, tha…
Anyone in the Gilbert area willing to help me out with some set-up? I installed my Rachio on my side year (independent of the main clock) to get a feel for the system and get everything set-up correctly before deploying to my main yard. I thought I had the drip side of it humming along pretty good until it got hot, for so long, with no measurable rain until this last week.
I had looked through a couple Arizona specific threads and got some really good information, some I understand, other inf…
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