Mysterious setup issue

So my Iro setup went fine until it was time to connect it to my router. Downloaded the app, did the Blink Up, etc. but repeatedly get the “BlinkUp failed! Please verify your Wi-Fi password and try again.” on step 4.

I’ve done this:

  1. Verified my password (it’s one I know by heart)
  2. Verified that there’s a strong WiFi signal
  3. Power-cycled my router
  4. Reconnected my phone to my network just to ensure that the network is properly connecting to devices
  5. Power-cycling the Iro
  6. Deleted and reinstalled the app
  7. Tried holding the phone screen various distances from the sensor for the BlinkUp (flush against it, 1cm away, etc.)

I’m absolutely stumped. I’m sure I’m entering my password correctly and that there’s a strong WiFi signal.

Am I the only one who’s seen this?

I solved the problem… by power cycling my phone. I took a look at the blinky lights and noticed that it was a bit laggy; that might have been the problem.

It has been my experience that if you try the Blink up with an Android device, it fails VERY time…I have access to Apple devices too, and with an iPad, it Blinks up instantly! Hey Rachio, any chance this will finally be fixed so we Android Guys can have the ease of setup too?

@shark72‌ @flyingpuck‌ Android is definitely more fickle than Apple for Blinkup. According to the Release Notes for Release 30 of the Electric Imp OS firmware, they have made improvements to the Android Blinkup process.

This should be released any day now, will post an announcement on the boards when it is. Hopefully this will make the process much more smooth.

Please let us know if you have any more questions or feedback. Thanks!


Bit late here, but after my first attempt, I can reliably sync up with android without the slightest issue. As above, reboot the phone in case it’s lagging, darken the room as much as possible, set full brightness on the phone, go through the app until you’re waiting at the ‘next’ button to begin blinkup, power cycle the iro and wait for the flashing wireless light, then hit ‘next’ and hold it flush against the Iro until it’s done. Hold the phone so it covers the little recessed line in the casing, and you’ll see when it stops blinking.