Is precipitation data working correctly for DW3642?

the weater station im using is at
i found its reported percip data here

but my zones are showing zero percip for sunday and now my flex wants to run tomorrow, which given our cool weather it should run until the weekend.

The Rachio data source is from PWS Weather not WUnderground. This station (KGADACUL3) is not sending data to PWS even that its sending it to WU.

You can take a look here;

That makes me sad, they used to report to pws, thanx for the leg work.

YW, Time to look for a different PWS :eyeglasses:

Looks like this station has stopped reporting to pwsweather in early 2017. Any data you were actually using appears to have been transferred via CWOP system instead (Rachio can read these).

Data within the CWOP (here) appears to be intact and they are registered as an active NOAA station list here (link, search for “D3642”). On the surface everything is in place for you to continue using the data without needing to switch the station.

Here (link) is a copy of the data Rachio may have received from their provider. The old thing is that it only shows precipitation data on the 16th (0.01 inch of rain), completely missing the data on the 15th (which WU shows to have been 0.03 inches of rain).

On top of my head, I’m not sure how to check raw data on CWOP going this far back, but zooming into the rain data we do see that both days had some data:


Long story short: you were using the CWOP station all along, Rachio has got the best data it could from their provider, provider data is wrong for some reason, maybe Rachio support can contact their provider to find out what happened.

If all else fails, we could setup a backup pwsweather station for this data if it is the best data available for you.


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Well, it appears to be the only station within 20 miles that reports precip data according to the rachio app.

I settled on this station 3 years ago because it is closest and within my microclimate.

I’ll hit up support at some point, they are currently looking into a bug I kicked over.


How do you not have a station in your backyard? :wink:


I will but I have been waiting on a specific model for 3 years now, looks like it is going to ship this year

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