How to correctly set rain delay?

@mikeT, thanks for reaching out and sharing your watering needs and expectations. At this time, the Iro does not support changing watering days/frequency. However, this will be a new feature in our 2.0 release, which is in it’s final testing days. Please see Flex schedules for more information.

Correct, we will skip the watering time, not delay it. I’m sorry for any confusion in our phrasing. However, since you’re in CA, I’d recommend you consider adding a IFTTT recipe to your Iro to automate a 48 hour rain delay until we can add this feature to the app. For more information on IFTTT, please see this support article.

@JNotar and @boettcht, you’re both correct. 2.0 will address this scheduling issue :smile:

@bwjordan, great point! This is exactly what 2.0’s Flex schedules will do for you. We will monitor and track on a daily basis any effective rainfall, executed irrigation events (i.e. manual runs) and the daily ET to calculate exactly when to water. All you need to tell the Iro is what days you can water on, and we’ll do all the math on the back end to make your lawn the most intelligent on the street. Additionally, we’ll share all of the inputs with you so you can understand why the Iro is making the decisions it’s making.

Hope this helps everyone. Let us know if you have any other questions we can help answer.

Best, Emil

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