Help! $70k of plantings dying; too to modify?

Hey @starmanj!
I am sorry to hear you are having issues with flex, while it is very powerful it also can require some fine tuning to get working! Zone settings are key for flex, as the users above me touched on. I like to begin with figuring out soil, because it’s often one of the more difficult settings to figure out and it has a lot of impact. I used the guide below at your location to check your soil type:

Following those steps, I found that your Available Water Capacity (AWC) is actually 0.15 (screenshot below)

However, your soil type proved more interesting, and may require some backup (looking at you two @Modawg2k @JPedrego)

I agree with @JPedrego about possibly increasing crop coefficient. I’m also curious after looking at your soil profile if your root zone depth is actually too high- questioning how roots would grow in weathered bedrock? Lowering your RZD would lower duration, but it should increase your frequency. I would love to hear some other opinions on this one…

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