@kentinada Flex Daily can be pretty demanding – see my posts Flex Daily Woes and Weather Intelligence Data Wrong. TL;DR after like 100 hours of tweaking to get it right, then it went off the rails because the weather data was wrong.
The thing to be aware of is that just because it says it will run tomorrow doesn’t mean it will: the projection is from the forecast but something else happens overnight when it gets the “actual” data. Your profile says you’re in MI? So likely my story doesn’t apply to you (here in CA temperature can vary by 30 degrees over 30 miles). But to make sure you should look on your home screen and compare what temperature it says for yesterday vs what it really was – that is what tipped me off.
The other thing to check is under each zone what “Crop Evapotranspiration” is. IDK what is normal for MI, but in summer here I see values in the 0.2-0.3 range. If it still isn’t running enough (I had this happen for planter boxes), under Advanced set Root Depth low (like 4") and Available Water low (like 0.12) – this is what I did to get it to run every day to protect young, shallow-root vegetables.
PS small world: your profile says you use Universal Devices? I did my irrigation off of that until 2018!