Rachio is already calculating all the necessary data to properly schedule the start time. It has the run times per day in the daily schedule down to the minute, it is also tracking daily sunrise times (supposedly).
It should be a very simple fix to convert the logic from
start time = (sunrise - total schedule run time)
start time = (sunrise - todays scheduled run time)
I’m kind of baffled that such a simple thing hasn’t been fixed in over a year? Who cares if Rachio can track sunrise or estimate our soils moisture %, if it will make our lawns prone to fungus and disease because it cannot perform a simple calculation?
I just tried changing to end by a specific time, and that uses the same broken logic.
So, if we are concerned about fungus and disease, we are better off using the controller as a dumb controller when it comes to start times and just use start at a specific time…