Another Arizona Set-up help thread!

@tmcgahey Welcome to the forums! It seems we’re getting quite a few from Arizona, which is great. On the soil, most of the Phoenix area is Sandy Loam, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t other soil types around. If you are Ok with sending me a private message with your address I can confirm it for you.

The area for each zone with regards to drip is confusing, and is only used to estimate water usage, so I would leave it alone right now. Just know that your water usage estimate for drip zones will be off. Your AW of 0.12 is default for Sandy Loam, but you said you are using clay loam, so I’m a bit confused as to why you don’t have 0.2 listed there. For the drip, can you describe how many emitters you have for each tree and plant, and what the flow rate is on them ? The precipitation rate defined for the nozzles is in in/hr, and it can be confusing to find the right setting by only knowing GPH. Here’s the link showing step-by-step what I did.

Set your efficiency to 100% for those emitter zones if you use the method I’m suggesting in the link. When you’re done compare your watering schedule and run times to how you were watering before, and share it here.

On the crop coefficient for trees and shrubs I’d leave that at default right now, unless you have desert adapted trees or something pretty lush. By the way, the effect frequency of watering, not run time.

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