Adding chance of precipitation to Local Weather window

As was mentiond in a previous post (Local weather looks a bit off) I too can’t reconcile what rachio tells me my weather is with what all other services tell me. This might be more of a support question.

However, I also suggest to add % of probability (or inches) for precipitation underneath the low temp for the day, like e.g. WU does. During summer time, this would be a good indicator to decide, if I have to think about skipping, adding etc. Over the last maybe 10 days I always had rain in the rachio windows on next day or so, but it didn’t materialize. So I am a bit nervous about the basis for calculation when rachio calculates my watering needs. I know you trust aeris implicitly, but where are the differences coming from?

Below is my situation this morning for illustration. Maybe someone with more experience can help me understand what I am dealing with and how to interpret the data? Today it shows 0% precipitation, and rain tomorrow Tuesday.

If I check WU, that is what they are showing: 40% rain chance today and big rain tomorrow (in the 10 day pic)

And for the 10day forecast:


Thanks @hgugger. Appreciate the suggestion on adding % of probability.

@franz, could you take a look at the situation here and perhaps provide some clarity?


Can you PM me (click on my name and send a message) when this happens again? It’s one of those things that needs to be looked at in real time.



@franz will certainly do. Thanks for the offer to look into it real time.

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Turns out this was a defect. It will be fixed and released in the next day or so :wink:


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