Add photos to zones

I’d like to be able to take a pictures of my zones and add them to their respective zone on my iro. As an example, I would take a picture of my front flower bed then upload the picture to the corresponding zone on my iro :smile:

@Garciajm321 Thanks for the suggestion, we are building 2.0 of our mobile app and will definitely be adding that feature! We plan on delivering the app in the March/April time frame, stay tuned for more details!

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Nice!!! :ok_hand::+1:

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any ideas at the moment on how this will work?

i promise im not trying to get into design at all, but a local cache of those pictures would be nice, keep my datas low on the cellular data plan seeing how i have to leverage more than i care to admit in my back yard.

@plainsane Local cache :slight_smile: and in our cloud.

How to change zone picture in 2.0? Can it be done?

it can be done in the mobile app (at least for iOS).

Android photo 2.0 upload will be released this week or early next week.

Workaround is to use iOS for now, and pictures will be visible on Android. :wink:


Looks like android app ver 2.0.9 is out, but I still don’t see where I can change my zone pics. Am I missing something or was that option not included in 2.0 as was stated above?

Will be in Android 2.1, hope to get that release out today, finishing some testing.

Thanks for the quick reply. As an android beta tester for another developer (Wink), I would say take your time and make sure it’s right. Nothing worse than releasing an app before its time.

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