A Beginners Guide on Understanding and Using ALL THOSE ***** NUMBERS!

IMHO, Flex Monthly is no less difficult. ALL of the same Zone variables are in effect with Monthly. It still takes into account the Advanced variables of Available Water, Root Depth and Allowed Depletion to determine how much to water at once time, modified somewhat by the Crop Coefficient and average ET values for the month to usually water every X days, which can change the watering time as well. And it appears that it does not take into account daily rainfall, at least not in a very accurate way. And it gives you none of the valuable (to me) information about soil moisture or depletion. And it does not account for hotter or cooler than normal weather, as it uses average, historic values. I’m sure it does a fine job on average, but with all the variables meaning just as much, I like seeing what’s going on with my zones.