16 hours a day? That's going to be expensive

After entering all the data on our 11 zones, the system has decided to water 16 hours a day. We have fairly high water pressure, and our previous system watered 3 zones at a time, usually. I assume the primary reason for this madness is that it has two drip zones going for 4+ hours each. SO, I from some searching it seems I cannot get the R3 to water zones concurrently. If the intelligence is “limited” to just weather and plant type and such, then I guess I can just group some drip zones. Any other tricks of the trade on this?

Hi djmax, check out this thread that has similar concerns and recommendations for those concerns:

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As for other concerns, such as concurrent watering, that’s not really supported. Definitely consider checking the nozzle inches per hour settings first to see if those watering times can be reduced. Also know that soak times may be playing a larger factor in the final watering time. Perhaps also put your driplines on only a single Fixed schedule with durations you had set on your older controller. Some intelligence features still apply such as rain and saturation skip.

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