11 hour and 48 minute water schedule! Wow!

well, accept square footage of the area? in my own research over the years i fail to understand how square footage could impact watering time as that is already taken into account with the precipitation rate.

@Az_Rael, thanks for confirming. If you haven’t yet, I’d update the nozzles on each of the zones using one of these two nozzles. For the zone(s) using bubblers, it might be worth conducting a catch cup test on 3-5 of the bubblers to get a better idea into the average output of the bubblers pending how they are adjusted.

@plainsane, you’re correct – square footage should be accounted for in the precip rate; this support article summarizes how to calculate your precipitation rate. The reason we ask for square footage on a zone by zone basis is for reporting purposes.

Hope this helps :blush:

Best, Emil