Zone Overlap in Flex Scheduling

Hello all my fellow Rachio Forum users. I have just taken the plunge into using the Iro’s Flex Scheduling feature. It dawned on me that an important future addition could be zone overlap. I have 4 zones that water my grass and 2 drip systems. My landscaper noticed that I was getting some dead spots because I did not have enough overlap with the different zones (This was because the previous homeowner had very short sprinkler heads that did not rise high enough above the grass). This was a simple fix of just trimming the grass with an edger around the various heads but it lead me to the thought of including a zone overlap number for the flex scheduling to really help dial in how much water a zone receives. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? @franz and @emil keep up the great work! Love the product.



Are you referring to nozzle distribution uniformity?

hmmm I am not really sure. I am just talking about the dark blue parts of this picture.

I believe we are talking about the same thing. In Zone details --> Advanced there is a setting called Efficiency (Distribution Uniformity).

If you do a catch cup test, this tool will tell you what that exact value is:

Hi Franz,

Just getting back to this now. It looks like for some reason I cannot get that link to work. Is there another one that would work?

Don’t really know, I would check back tomorrow on it. Looks like a database problem. :wink:
