WU / PWSWeather Precip Data Discrepancy

We haven’t had any significant rain for a couple of months. Today, to my delight, we received a little over .5" according to my Ambient Weather WS-1401IP. WeatherUnderground was pushed the correct precip data (.53") but PWS weather is only reporting .06". Has anyone else experienced this?

PWS - http://www.pwsweather.com/obs/JMWX01.html
WeatherUnderground - https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KTXJOSHU12

I’m using the world-renowned @Gene method for transferring from WU to PWS. Everything seems to have been working fine, but again, I haven’t had much precip data to look at lately.

Much thanks for any input.

WU api keeps amazing me! here (link) is a copy of what your data looks like at this time, note that under “current_observation” section there is not a single parameter that would indicate the true precipitation total.

From the raw data (link), I see you use version 0.5 of the software, meaning that you are using plain wufyi.com url with your own legacy API key. I guess this will be the final nail in that coffin, time to retire the pain WU api and migrate everyone to better pastures.

At this time you have two options:

First option is to modify the URL you use from starting with just plain old “wufyi.com/?.…” to start instead with “beta.wufyi.com/?.…”, this should fix the rain issue as beta code is using a different acquisition channel compared with the plain wufyi.com.

Second option is to message me your wufyi URL either via private message, or via email to support@wufyi.com and I’ll be able to take care of the rest.

Sorry you’ve run into these issues, WU api is a mess sometimes.



Well, I didn’t want you to loose the first rain’s readings and checked the server access logs to lookup your URL info. Long story short, I’ve upgraded your setup to the latest code and deactivated your old URL. When you get a chance, please turn off your cron-job, you will no longer need it. Enjoy your rain data :wink:



Thanks @Gene. I disabled the cron-job. The WU API certainly seems a bit disjointed. Would be nice if Rachio could tie into Ambient Weather. Their API is pretty straight forward and seemingly much more reliable than WU in it’s current corporate state. I digress. Thanks again for all you do to keep our lawns green using as little H2O possible.
