Still need separate schedules for each zone?

in 1.x it was recommended to set a separate “watering time” for each zone so the seasonal adjustments could be made to each individual zone… is this still recommended?

The reason I ask… is I have 9 zones… when I have each on a separate watering time, it waits to complete each zone before moving to the next. Add in the 30 min soak time on a few zones and it can take 3-4 hours to get through watering my lawn.

I hope this makes sense…

Ya understood :wink: So, I would start by taking one or two zones and putting into a flex schedule. If you like what you see, I would add more. I would group zones by crop type. Also note in a flex schedule, different crop types are going to water at different intervals. So, you could theoretically have a flex schedule where all of the zones are watering on different days, depending on their irrigation needs.


Yep thanks. I see that now. I did exactly what you suggested. I grouped my front yard (3 zones) together and my front flower beds (2 zones) together in flex schedules… These flex schedules are awesome - it’s exactly what I envisioned when I first purchased the Iro!

Now if I could only figure out what type of soil I have!


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Check this out, it nailed my soil type (clay loam) :wink:

unfortunately, my area isn’t covered - there are some areas covered nearby (within about 5 mi) that to an untrained observer I could say are “the same” as where I live, but even in those areas that are covered, the soil type seems to vary quite a bit.

What should be entered if there are multiple layers of different soil. For example my area says:
• H1 - 0 to 8 inches: loam
• H2 - 8 to 14 inches: loam
• H3 - 14 to 29 inches: clay
• H4 - 29 to 33 inches: bedrock
Other potentially interesting points:
• Runoff class: Very high
• Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr)
• Available water storage in profile: Low (about 4.2 inches)

So far I’ve been using clay loam but Iro’s suggested runtimes cause major flooding and runoff. If I remember correctly changing the soil type and recreating the schedule didn’t alter the total runtime, just the cycle/soak time. That was before v2 so maybe things have changed.


This chart shows a breakdown of maximum run times allowed based on nozzle, soil, and slope.

Looking at the chart, if you choose clay, it will have the least amount of allowed run times before cycling.

This might help dial in your system. Clay loam does seem about right, but I’m a novice.

[] can also help review your watering time and cycles.
