Shared Access Blank Screen on Desktop

Just had to clear out my entire computer’s internet cookie and cache to get out of an account login that had a shared controller. Signed me in and gave me a blank screen. Does this lock the screen even if other controllers are on the account as well?

How do I unshare a the device, this person has no smartphone or tablet so no point in having access from what i understand.

Hi @ETIrrigation
Shared Access is currently not supported in the web app. Was the scenario that you shared access to a device and then couldn’t login, or that the person you shared access with couldn’t log in?

Maybe this should be more prominent in the literature. I just skimmed through how to create shared access. This little fact did not stand out, but has created a fair number of issues and a headache.

Look like it logged in, but only provided a blank screen.

A disclaimer has been added to the Shared Access support article. Additionally, a stand alone article has been added to the Web App collection of articles.

Disclaimer: This feature is currently ONLY available on the mobile app. Shared devices cannot be accessed using the web app.

Maybe this could be placed at the top of the article instead of at the end. Might save a lot of time for everyone.

Also for those who might not be tech savvy, the words Desktop could accompany “web app”. for further explanation.

@ETIrrigation, good idea. I bumped up a bit higher on the Shared Access support article.

I’m not against this idea, but the web app is not limited to desktops either…have any other naming associations?

I,ll ask my dad who does not have a smartphone or tablet and get back to you.