Seasonal shift does not modify watering times

I have three zones each scheduled to water for 10 minutes during the summer.

I received an email from Rachio that says the following:
We’ve made a Seasonal Shift to Water all zones on [my home].
In September, this schedule ran for 30 minutes. In October, this schedule will run for 30 minutes.
[West side bushes] no significant change in minutes. [North side lawn] no significant change in minutes [front yard] no significant change in minutes.

I checked the November and December schedules and no change to the watering times are made.
I also checked that seasonal shift was indeed on.

Why do the watering times for the fall months have are not being adjusted to less time? My three zones are all scheduled to water for 10 minutes each.

What am I doing wrong in my setup?


Hey @jorgeelizondom-
My best guess is that based on your historical regional weather data, there was not enough change in weather to change your schedule time. This would make sense if you are in a place where the seasons don’t change a lot! If you don’t think that was it, let me know and I can take a deeper look into your scheduling.
McKynzee :rachio:

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Thanks for your kind reply,

I live in Mexico about 150 miles south of the Texas border, so the weather here varies a lot from winter (lows in the 35-40F) to summer (highs in the 100s).

FWIW, the weather station I selected is from the local airport (MMAN). It is not a personal weather station.

Your help is appreciated

Best regards

Hi @jorgeelizondom-
So we looked into your weather data, and unfortunately we do not have historical ET data for Mexico, which is what Seasonal Shift uses to decide how to shift :worried: If you want your schedule to adjust according to weather more effectively, I would recommend considering switching to flex scheduling. Flex will adjust the frequency of your waterings using daily weather data. Before you jump into flex it’s important to double check your zone settings. If it is something you would be interested, I can absolutely help you with the setup in order to get it working for you!
If you want to stick with a fixed schedule, you will still get all of the benefits from the other Weather Intelligence features like rain, freeze, and climate skips. The only thing that requires historical ET is the Seasonal Shift.
Let me know,
McKynzee :rachio:

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Hi McKynzee
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I think I have two options. And would like your help in deciding what is best for my situation

Option 1: do as you say and go for flex scheduling. This will take into account my local weather based on data from a station nearby, but I need to make sure that I have the soil and nozzle types setup correctly and probably other stuff, MAD, etc.

Option 2: Use a weather station in the southern border of the US (laredo, TX) which is only 150 miles north from here insead of a local weather station. My city has a have very similar seasonal weather as Laredo (similar lows in the winter and similar highs in the summer), but of course day-to-day rain forecasts are completely different, but temperature readings are generally similar.

There are compromises in each of these options that I do not clearly understand, so I kindly request your assistance in helping me choose the best option. I will appreciate your recommendation, and your help in understanding what will I win and lose with your recommended option.


@jorgeelizondom -
Absolutely. I will try to lay out the pros and cons for each option!

Option 1: Switching to Flex
If you switch to flex, all of the daily data from your local weather station will be used to determine your schedule, along with your zone settings. We have tons of customers who have had great success with flex, the key to being successful is those zone settings. The people on this forum can be incredibly helpful when it comes to getting those tailored to your irrigation system. I would say that the number one “con” with flex is that it requires extra time and effort to begin with in order to be successful, it’s up to you if that is something you are willing to try! The pros with flex (when set up correctly) can be pretty awesome. This idea of managed allowed depletion is actually the “correct” way to water your lawn as it promotes root growth, reduces watering frequency and results in a healthier, more drought tolerant landscape. Basically, it has the potential to save you money and make your landscape look better!

Option 2: Switching your Weather Station
Your historical ET data actually comes from your lat and long coordinates of your controller, so switching the weather station will not affect your seasonal shift. This is actually better, because what we can do is switch your controller lat/long to the closest place within the US to your location, but keep your weather station the same. This way, your rain, climate, and freeze skips will all be based on the weather station close to you and be more accurate. Only the seasonal shift will be based on that “incorrect” location. This would be less work to set up for you, and it would also be sticking to what you know works well for your landscape now. I would probably check to see if the location we would switch your lat/long to is a good comparison for the weather you typically experience at home.

Bottom line, I am a little biased to flex because I think it is a great way to take full advantage of your controller. However, it is a little more “risk” in the beginning and definitely more effort. Switching your location would be a quick and easy fix to make sure you get the benefits of seasonal shift!

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I have a similar problem, that seasonal adjustments are having no effect. I’m guessing you don’t have statistical data for Western Australia either. But I have an additional problem…
We have summer water restrictions here and they mandate the days of the week we are allowed to water. In my case I am only permitted to water on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I don’t think it is possible for me to choose a weather station that will be sufficiently relevant but also has statistical data.

I would be happy to set up “flex” scheduling - but if I understand correctly - this may choose to water on days other than those mandated by our water restrictions.

Please confirm my understanding - and advise if you have any other suggestions.



Hey @rchapman-

We do not have historical data for Australia, unfortunately. This only affects seasonal shift and flex monthly schedules!

You can select “allowed watering days” for flex, so you will be able to stay within your restrictions! Keep in mind you will most likely end up watering most Tuesdays and Saturdays, however, since that is a fairly restrictive schedule.

Thanks McKynzee for your advice. Can I clarify whether you are recommending “flex monthly” or “Flex Daily”. It looks to me like “Flex Daily” is the more appropriate for our restricted days. If so, will it adjust the watering times on those days, based on weather station data?

Thanks McKynzee