If you are curious, the start is documented here (link), and it is (for now) primarely based on a simple “data in, data out” model. You can check out the source code here (link). I wanted to run it on PHP since this is widely supported by majority of web hosts out there.
Alas, as documented here (link), officialy recommended data stream from wunderground is full of bugs (false data intergected into the data stream).
Finally beta portion of the site was officially developed for AcuRite compatibility, as documented here (link). I’ve run into some issues with beta and growing user base and been quietly tinkering to improve performance / reliability of the site as well as develop a reliable and efficient way to support more users.
In any case, I’m planning on putting an updated “core” source code onto github after the changes have proven themselves reliable. So even should wufyi ever go down, many mirror sites can quickly take it’s place.