Remove discontinuity in PR vs. inches of water displaced

I was playing around with getting deep desert watering using low PR values, and noticed an apparent discontinuity. I decided to look into it further and I now see the issue. I use 0.4 in/hr for three 2 GPH emitters on each of my trees. Since I also have single emitter shrubs with 1 GPH heads I figured I could just use 0.07 in/hr for a custom nozzle for those shrubs. The results weren’t as I expected. Tonight I went in and charted duration vs. PR and see that the total duration is capped at 8 hrs, and I see now that at about 0.12 in/hr the 8hr cap is reached. After that the intended target of 0.96 inches is not met, and the watering interval starts to change. It seems that at minimum some sort of user warning should be given, and perhaps the PR should be forced to 0.12 in/hr so that the interval stays fixed as well.

Here’s the data I took.


Hey @azdavidr, just want you to know that we’ve seen this and are thinking through it. Have a great week.

@benblackmer Thanks for the response Ben.

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@azdavidr Yes, what @benblackmer said. I really need to dissect this and wrap my head around it.

We are building a new watering platform for next year and I love to hear new ideas for v3.0 :wink:


@franz Thanks for the follow-up. Basically when hitting the max. watering time of 8 hours decreasing the PR no longer increases watering time. As a result, the water hitting the soil decreases exponentially. In the example above I for 15" roots it became discontinuous at a PR of 0.12in/hr as that’s when it hit 8 hours. I think with a deeper root depth you would see that discontinuity happen at a higher PR value. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat about it, or why I’m even playing with those low PR values.

Hi franz, when you say v3.0, are you talking about the hardware or the software? or both? Is the 2nd gen expected to receive continuous updates?

Software only. Gen 1/Gen 2 will always receive software updates, as well as iOS/Android/Webapp clients.
