RainBird SMRT-Y and head questions

Good evening i just purchased a rachio 8 zone 2nd generation, my system has a rainbird smrt-y, i did some google and found this: https://support.rachio.com/hc/en-us/articles/115010540908-Rachio-compatibility-with-RAIN-BIRD-SMRT-Y-Soil-Moisture-Sensor and wired exactly like that… and i have few questions

1- how do i test it? it is connected to a moisture sensor, so where i the app can i go to test if its getting the signal??

2- Do you guys even recommend using it? rachio says on that link that they dont recommend using it but wanted to know what the actual users think about it

3- my 1st zone is a underground zone, it does not have heads, but when setting up the zone it keeps asking for nozzle type… Which one should i pick?? thanks