Rachio Generation 2 + Ground Wires

Hello Rachio,

I just installed a new sprinkler system and we are trying to hook it up to Rachio. I have all of my zones plugged in, however I have 1 remaining wire, which is suppose to go to Ground. I have tried reading your documentation, but I don’t see anything around where to plugin the ground wire. Is “Common” the equivalent of ground for your controller?

Thank you,

Do you have pictures? My guess is that the wire should go to the common. Each valve has two wires, one goes to the common (all grouped together) and the other wire goes to the zone number. Good luck.

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Don’t have a picture as this is the first controller for the system itself. It was suppose to go to GND on a Hunter Industries controller.

As long as it is a wire from the valves it would definitely go to the common on the rachio.