PWS that doesn’t report precip

I have a weather station within a mile of my house. It seems like it doesn’t report precipitation though. If I choose another one which is 2 miles away and it does report precipitation, I get constant reminders from Rachio saying there is a closerPWS. If I use the closer one and it doesn’t report precipitation will it default to another one? How do I stop these email reminders about closer PWS

Weird…I’ve never gotten an notification like that with my Gen1…and I don’t believe I have the closest PWS chosen either…

I don’t believe that Rachio will change the PWS selection on its own, however, I don’t know how to stop the notifications, as I don’t know where that would fall in the notifications settings of the app…

Ok thanks. From what I’ve read, most people find the PWS more reliable / accurate than the Weather Intelligence Plus…would that be a safe assumption?

If you have one in your area that seems to be up to date and accurate, it seems so. WI+ seems to be best for those that don’t have good PWS options in the area as it will average out data from multiple weather feeds in the area.