New Flex webapp schedule, 0% moisture balance, scheduled to run but did not

I’m aware of how this is done but assumed there was another method as that would have affected how much water was being applied by shortening or lengthening the duration which is not the outcome I was looking for. I have it set at the default which will work for me. Changing it was only an attempt to fix the schedule so that it would actually run. But as stated above, that was not the issue at all. All is good now. Thanks again!

well, there are other methods but i dont recommend changing them to augment the watering duration unless you are dealing with a drip zone.

for instance, increasing the root depth will increase the watering cycle. increasing the MAD will decrease the frequency of the schedule for that zone. increasing the crop coefficient will increase the frequency. decreasing the available water will decrease frequency.
but honestly, i would only adjust these parameters if you have evidence those are needed. typcially root depth and mad are the comomn knobs to move around.