@jangell2 So far you are considering one manufacturer: AcuRite. Out of the three options you’ve listed, only the first one (10057RM) comes with a smartHUB, which is required to get data to the internet and to the Rachio. The lightning detector which comes with the most expensive version (01024M) will not provide Rachio any additional data it can could use.
Not sure what to recommend about the hail, don’t think there are any weather stations which are specifically designed to survive a nasty hail storm. There are stations which are better build than AcuRite, but they cost far more and could still be damaged if the hail is big enough. AcuRite is somewhat modular (you can replace the top part which may be damaged) and you could buy probably about three of them for the cost of one of the better build stations.
AcuRite does not support the weather networks which are supported by Rachio. You will need to setup upload to the Weather Underground on the myacurite.com website, and link the data to pwsweather.com to make data available to Rachio. More information about this can be found here (link), note that if you are using your own pws, you would link your own weather underground station instead of looking for a good one in the area (which you could try prior to buying a pws of your own).