Configurable email notification / push notification of watering time skip

Just a little one that occurred to me the other day that I’ve not seen on here.

Currently, if you determine that there’s going to be more than the threshold amount of rain, you send out an email to that effect 15 minutes before the scheduled start. Can we make this configurable, and/or push a notification to the phone?

I’m not always around my email in the period before the sprinklers are due to start; being able to configure this warning would allow me more time to decide to allow the schedule to be cancelled or not.

A phone notification might be more obvious than an email message for this purpose, too.


@jimmyjimjim‌ Settings these preferences for email/push and mobile push notifications is coming in 1.5. We have started testing this release, and hope to submit to Apple early next week.


Fantastic, thank you.