Clear Watering History

Not a biggie, but is there any method to clear watering history? In the installation phase, doing some testing, but not flowing any water. So, I have watering history/usage shown, but not in reality.

Not really, but if you PM me your username I’ll see what we can do :wink:


Not to worry Franz, just wishing. Possibly a future enhancement?

Possibly, not at the top of our list. We are moving all of our eventing to a new architecture (ElasticSearch) and it will be much easier to clear this data out at some point. Currently it is sent to a third party API which is more difficult to update/delete the data.


Hi Franz,

I had the same problem for 1 day and it is screwing up my charts.

Can you delete the following for me:
Username: dcohen
Device: 74 Jerome
Date: 8/14/16



If you reach out to they can assist with this.

