API Issues

I am currently experiencing issues with the Rachio API. As an example, I am no loner seeing rainDelayStartDate and rainDelayExpirationDate in the JSON devices object. I am also no longer seeing the high and low temperatures in the JSON output. Is this a known issue?


The weather forecast output is also wrong. The weatherType seems to be stuck at clear-day.


rainDelayExpirationDate is now supported in V3 and is fixed in the API. We no longer have the concept of rainDelayStartDate.

These were missed. The team will be pushing a patch release tonight.

This will be fixed in the future. Mapping the different data types will take a bit of time.


Thank you for the fix regarding the high/low temperatures. I also noticed the Zone runtime and maxRuntime are missing. Is that something that can be added back to the API?


Those two fields are not accessible with the new system.

If you really want that data you can derive with this equation using the data retrieved from the zone.


x -> irrigation amount in inches
y -> irrigation flow rate (inches per hour)
z -> efficiency
r -> runtime (minutes)

x = MAD * AWC * RZD

Max runtime would be 10% above derived runtime.


I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure this out. How to I calculate x? What is MAD, AWC, RZD?

I have:

y = zone.customNozzle.inchesPerHour
z = zone.efficiency
x = ?


Management Allowed Depletion (more affectionately known as MAD)
Soil available water capacity (AWC)
Crop root zone depth (RZD)

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