0% soil moisture and not running?

0% soil moisture and it’s not scheduled to run for two more days yet? It’s supposed to be 90° today! #smart

Do you have restrictions on allowed watering days? Also if you want more insight on soil moisture and 2 weeks of forecasted weather & irrigation check out the soil moisture chart. Note that anywhere support article refers to the Zones button, it is now the Yard button…

All zones are on Flex Daily and no day restrictions are set. Actually, it watered my side yard today at 8am but didn’t water behind the house.

Here is more info on this zone’s moisture history (first line being Previous Moisture Balance and last line being Current Moisture Balance) :

Here is the first half of this chart for reference:

Thanks for the chart! Super informative. Rachio’s WI+ weather service is forecasting .21” of precipitation tomorrow so it is (for the moment) making the assumption irrigation can wait until the 30th.

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Also - @naamang - consider a PWS if you have one closer to be more accurate

So a single weather station is more accurate than the “weather network” option? The nearest one is .6 miles away. Will it still use satellite data if I switch to this option? I have the Rachio 3 controller which is supposed to be using Weather Intelligence Plus to monitor the weather “right outside my door”.

@naamang - I’ll rather use the PWS if that is the closer to your location. WI + gather information from a bunch different weather station so yea the closer the PWS is the better and more accurate it is and see how your moisture chart changes.

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@naamang, just make sure the PWS you use is actually recording precipitation. Click on the station and scroll down where you can select date range and look back at the rain recorded for the last month. I have one that is only .43 miles from my house but it doesn’t record rain so I have selected the next closest one at .61 miles.